What happens if you swap out “I don’t know what I’m doing” with “I don’t ‘no’ what I’m doing”? Reframing limiting self talk into an empowering affirmation.
Read MoreFancy seeing you here. Welcome to my playful discipline of keeping a blog, curating the chaos.
These “unprecedented times” have thrown us all for a loop (the irony in this amuses me endlessly: we’re all already on a loop—on a circular track called history, repeating the patterns that came before us) and that has us all quite loopy! (I had to—you are hereby warned. #PunAlert)
But—and—this is our chance. We’ll look at some of these patterns together and consider new possibilities, new outcomes and how to integrate them.
Grab a cuppa’ and let’s have a think together.
What happens if you swap out “I don’t know what I’m doing” with “I don’t ‘no’ what I’m doing”? Reframing limiting self talk into an empowering affirmation.
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What happens if you swap out “I don’t know what I’m doing” with “I don’t ‘no’ what I’m doing”? Reframing limiting self talk into an empowering affirmation.